Thursday 7 June 2012

Literacy Quiz

Literacy Quiz

On the 21st of May Milford School had a literacy quiz as part of Literacy Week.  It was held at 1.30pm. Each class in year 5 and 6 had two teams in the quiz team. Team 2a came 1st place with 18 points and team 1a came 2nd with 17 points.

Room 2 Team A - The winning team!

1st place
Room 2 team A
Year 6
(left)Katherine, Sally, Zachary, Sam (right)
1st place
19 points

Room 1 team A
Year 6
2nd place
17 points

Room 2 team B
Year 6
Dhiren, Jacob.W,Eunji ,Georgia
13 points

John McCrystal

A few weeks ago in early May, a speaker called John McCrystal came to Milford School. He had gone to Antarctica with his toy bear, Shackleton bear and he came to Milford School to talk about his trip. He and Shackleton bear went to many places including an island that was once owned by kiwis (New Zealanders) but is now owned by Australians. They went on a biggish boat and almost hit an iceberg! John told us many stories including a story about a race to the north pole between a Norwegian and an Englishman. The Norwegian won because he ate his dogs when they died and the Englishman didn't.
Every one had a wonderful time!

John McCrystal and Shackleton Bear with a Milford School student (Sophie Paulsen)

Royal Dress Up

It was a blast on Friday the 8 of June! We had to dress up as one of the royal people like a Jester, King, Queen eg.. This was an optional activity and was to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. If we dressed up as one of the royal people we had to bring a gold coin and all the money we raised went to Starship Hospital to help the sick kids and babies. Lots of kids dressed up as royal people! We raised over $600!!

People who dressed up!



National Young Leaders day

On the 24th May, it was Young Leaders Day. There were about 2500 attendees!!! The hosts were Matt Gibb & Whitney Tuatasi. They said to spark your fuel. There were eight inspiring speakers. The first speaker was Sam Johnson.  He was the person who started the Barmy Army in Christchurch in which the university students helped people affected by the earthquake.  He also helped rebuild Japan which had a tsunami & a earthquake. He said, "Create the alternative & look after each other". The second speaker was Dave Atkinson - he used to be a graphic designer. Dave told us, "Stick up for whats right & choose good friends that don't influence you negatively." The third speaker was Cam Calkoen. He had muscle problems. His main message was, "Believe in yourself and keep on carriyng on with your dreams." The 4th speaker was Dillon Boucher. His message was, "Your biggest opponent is yourself." The 5th speaker was Annah Mac - she was awesome! She said, " Have confidence & just to give it ago." The 6th speaker was Lydia Ko. She was the #1 golf player & she was only 15 years old. She said, "Make sacrifices for your passion and persist." The last and final guest was Nick Tuatasi and his message was, "S-shaking, P-pushed, A-anger, R-risk, K-kisckstart." There were many more speakers. The experience was really inspirational.

Annah Mac
Have confidence & give it a go!!!

Water Care Instructor

Last week on Thursday and Friday, the year 6 classes got a session with a Water Care Instructor. She told them about all of the living creatures and pollution that are in our water ways. Water is their topic this term and this really gave them some good information and skills. On the Friday, they went down to Lake Pupuke and tested the water by doing many water experiments. They tested the turbidity of the water, the level of nitrates, pH, identified aquatic creatures and many more.  They found out that the water was clean with minimal pollution (not much.)

Room 4 doing their water testing.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Character Parade- Literacy Week

On Tuesday, Milford School had to dress up in a recycled costume. They had a big parade so everyone could see the fabulous outfits everyone had put together. Everyone looked spectacular! This was all to do with Literacy Week. We did a whole lot of exciting activities and had so many fabulous visitors read to us. Some of the readers were Andy Griffiths, Mark Somerset and a whole lot more.

We had a great Literacy Week and thanks to all that participated in this event!!!

Room 5 at the character parade:)

By: Ashley and Taylor                      

Science Week!

It was a blast on Monday the 7th of May 2012 because our school had Science Week! Everyone was so excited about it - even me! Science is where you get to learn lots of amazing things! On Tuesday we had two wonderful people named Alan and Emily from Science in a Van.  They were here to talk about science.  First Alan did an awesome trick.He told us to look in the middle of the circle and the circle spins around. Next he told us the look at his head so we all did. Then his head shrunk and everyone, even the teachers laughed because it was so so funny. Then he did it again but he spun it the other way around. When we looked at his head his head was growing big! He and Emily did a whole lot of science experiments! On Wednesday in our class with our teacher we did an experiment.  It was trying to inflate a balloon with warm water, yeast and sugar then we shook it. It did blow up but in a few minutes. Then when it inflated everyone was so impressed. Every day children did experiments in their classes.We had a blast during Science Week and were hoping to do it again some day!                  
By Gio
Mr Anderson going to sit on the nail chair

Jacob pumping up the rocket

Mr D and Claire