Thursday 26 April 2012

Cooking damper and bush skills (camp)

Last term, the Year 6's went to camp. One of the cool activities was bush skills and cooking skills. We made camp damper and my one caught on fire! Then we did bush skills. We had to build our own shelter to shelter from the water (rain). 
IT WAS SO FUN!!!!!!!!

Year 6 Camp! Monster Relay Game!

On the last day of the camp we played  a funMonster Relay Game!!! There were these activities..........
  • Onion Eating
  • Finding a country on a map
  • Doing tricks on the trampoline
  • Flying Fox
  • Swimming
  • Singing and Drawing
  • Archery
  • Climbing Wall
We worked in teams and it was a race to find the clues and complete each challenge.  The onion eating was particulary challenging!  We had so much fun that we didn't want the game to end.
One of our tasks was to sing a song in our team.


On the 24th of April was the ANZAC day service at Milford School. ANZAC day is a day to remember the soldiers that died in the Gallipolli Peninsula,Turkey. ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps. At the service, a NZ army soldier came and played 'The Last Post' on the trumpet. We sang the National Anthem Of NZ then two Year 6's each made a speech. On the 25th of April was the actual ANZAC day. Most people got the day off and nearly everything was closed until 1pm. Also dawn services were held at 5am. It was 1915, World War 1 Gallipolli Peninsula,Turkey. ANZAC Troops were fighting against the German Troops near the poppy fields.

Camp Carey Park Year 6

Year 6 Camp
Flying Fox

On Monday the 2nd of April 2012 Room 1,2 and 4 had camp at awesome Carey Park! We were going there for 4 day and 3 nights.We were all excited to go to camp! When we got to camp we went to our cabins then we went to the hall (gym) to get in our activity group. We went to different activities. Most people liked the Flying Fox! When I went on it it was so AWESOME!!! I really wanted to go on it like 10 times! But we only went on it for 3 times. It was the best activity that I went on!

How Long the flying fox is (there is more)

Blast Off!!


Year 6 Camp 2012 Burma Trail

At camp we went through the HORROR TRAIL  It was a terrifying but fun time. We wore masks and had to follow a rope that was snaked around ancient trees.  Kids were screaming thier hearts out. The burmas (really parents!) were strangling us, tickling us with ferns, tripping us and it was an all round scary time. Kids were happy at the end because they made it to the end. Some kids got lost in the HORROR TRAIL.  

By Julia And Mia

Year 6 Camp Kayaking

Year 6 Camp 2012 Kayaking
 At camp, one of the many activities the yYar 6s got to do was kayaking. Kayaking was really fun and what you did was kayaked up a stream and came back to do some activities in our kayaks.
One of the activities was to switch kayaks mutiple times with someone else. Plenty of people fell out of their kayaks but we still had fun.
                                                       kayking =)

Carey Park Camp Year 6 : Waterhole (Rope swing and Waterslide)

At camp, one of the activities we did was the Waterhole. In the waterhole there is a waterslide and a rope swing. When you got in the water, you felt like you were frozen because it was so cold! The rope swing was really fun, and they got 3 goes each, if they were lucky more. The water slide was really fast and when you got to the bottom, it was again freezing like an ice cube.


Written by: Ashley and Taylor