Wednesday 13 July 2011

Milford Rebels

Milford Rebels is a Year 6 Basketball team who plays in the YMCA Basketball League. They made the finals by beating Kauri Park by 1 point. The team practices every Friday and some Wednesday mornings. On Friday the 15th of July, Milford Rebels is playing against the best team in the league, Birkdale for the finals. The team members are, Taylor, Nabeel and Josh Lamb from Room 1 and Inmoo, Tony and Evan from Room 2. The coach is Nicola Lamb, Josh’s mum. The members are going to be the same next term and also Eric from Room 4 is going to help the Milford Rebels.

Michelle Robinson

A reporter from the North Shore Times, Michelle Robinson, came to talk to us about her life being a reporter. I was amazed that she decided to be a reporter/photographer at the age of 15. She took photography as one of her subjects in University and probably English/Writing. She has never worked for another newspaper either than The North Shore Times, but she is soon moving to a new and bigger company where they work for different types of newspapers e.g. Sunday Star Times. She really inspired us into becoming reporters and writers and she gave us a lot of useful information.

G.A.T.E Sharing Assembly

On Wednesday 13th July after lunch Milford School held a G.A.T.E sharing assembly. The groups included Art 5/6, Drama 1/2, Poetry 3/4/5 and Business studies 4/5/6. The groups all shared what they were learning throughout the term. Parents and classes were allowed to watch the groups. There were also some PowerPoints which will hopefully be on the blog soon.  

Lunch Orders

At Milford School we have a school lunch order programme. One lunch option is Pita pit. It’s like Pita bread with vegetables and meat and so on. At our office there are envelopes so you can tick the empty boxes to select what fillings you would like. Another lunch option we have is Sushi. It’s similar to Pita pit but its only meat and vegetables.  We also have online lunch orders. You don’t order using envelopes but you order on the computer.  Many Milford students enjoy yummy lunches using our school lunch ordering system.