Wednesday 2 November 2011

Year 6 Speeches

At the end of Term 3 the Year 6 students did a speech competition. All the students had to prepare their own speech independently and present it to the whole class. Lots of them had no experience presenting a speech before and were nervous. The teachers and a buddy marker got to rate students’ speech out of ten in many different kind of skills. The best two speakers from each class got to share their speech in the Year 6 syndicate assembly and all the finalist were boys! Lots of Year 6 students had a great experience and now, lots of them are ready for some more advanced intermediate speeches!


  1. The speeches were all of such a high standard. I was very impressed! Mrs Smits.

  2. I loved hearing the finalists from Room 2. Very well thought out, well prepared and spoken in clear, confident voices! Miss Hopkirk
