Thursday 15 December 2011

Carolling has hit Milford School!

Recently, Milford School had a carol night for Christmas on the field of Milford School. Parents, friends, family and teachers were all crowded around with picnic mats and food. Sausage sizzles, lollies, cold drinks, chips and chocolate bars were for sale to fundraise for the school. Even the ice-cream van ‘Mr Whippy’s’ was there to celebrate Christmas with us! While everyone was eating and playing, music was being played by the rock band, orchestra, ukulele group and Year 2 recorder group. At last Santa arrived with his big bag of lollies for a lolly scramble. Kids were jumping, screaming and running for the lollies, it was chaotic!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmas Festival of Song

Christmas festival of song 2011 was a great hit! The Juniors sang beautifully on the 6th and the Seniors on the 7th.  First the kids sang all the traditional Christmas carols (One Child, When a Child is born etc.) and then sang more fun songs (Kiwi Jingle Bells, Grandma got run over by a reindeer etc.) In between there were bible readings and children playing music.

The Music Concert

The music school concert was very interesting and a lot of talent was shown. People played the guitar, the keyboard, the piano and the violin. It was exciting to see the number of children play their songs on a musical instrument. All of the children looked like they had practised their special songs a lot to have performed to such a high standard!


Secret Shared Lunch in Room 2

On 14th of December, Mrs. S, Claire and Meghna organised a secret shared lunch especially for Mrs. Smits. Firstly, they handed out some secret letters to the whole class except Mrs. Smits and everybody had to bring food for shared lunch. Unfortunately, some people forgot the event but kindly, their friends donated their own lunch like ezy lunch and sushi. We also, organised this secret event with Ms. Boyd and she tricked Mrs. Smits by asking if Room 2 wanted to play a game with her class outside. This was a distraction to help the organisers set up the foods and the table. Room 2 had a great time and it was Mrs. Smits first secret shared lunch in her time of teaching!