Wednesday 13 April 2011

Olympic Schools Programme

Danyon Loader, double Olympic Gold medallist, recently visited our school to present three “Olympic” medals in recognition of Milford School being confirmed as an Olympic School. An ASB Olympic School programme is an exciting programme that has been created for schools.  It helps to promote the Olympic values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect.  The programme will help to educate and inspire kids to strive to do their best on the sporting field, in the classroom and in the community. We had a special assembly to welcome Danyon Loader.  Danyon Loader said things like, “Never give up”. We really enjoyed having Danyon Loader visit our School.

Meet the Teachers Night

On the 17th of February Milford School held a Family Picnic night for all ages. At the picnic our school Gardening Club sold worm casts to raise money for more gardening gloves and all sorts for their club. Our Principal, Ms Hopkirk, held a speech for the new parents at the school by introducing the teachers, new and old, and of course why they made the right decision by giving their children a good education at Milford. Next, they gave one teacher the responsibility of telling the parents about the upcoming year. The teacher took the parents to their classroom leaving the kids to play. Priya Sharma thought she had a great time!                                                                                           

Cricket Tournament

At the end of February the Team A cricket team headed down to the Takapuna District Cricket Club to play in a tournament. Jansen hit the first 6 of the game. The whole team was literally screaming. After a while in the game, Finn got a hat trick! Again, our whole team screamed. The first game was over so we had a little break until the umpire gave us the score. ”We won!"  
The next team we played was Sunnybrae. Again, Jansen hit a 6. We bowled a couple of people out and yet again, WE WON! Now was the most challenging team we played… CAMPBELLS BAY. In the middle of the game, Ms Hopkirk arrived. We were so nervous. They had really good bowlers and they were pretty fast. At the end the champions remained the same (Campbells Bay) and Milford (us) was very disappointed.
Our last game was against Vauxhall. After a couple of great hits and bowls, the umpire gave us the score,”WOOHOO!” We WON the last game! But the score was only 2 away from a draw. After the prize giving, we went back to school.

The Maths Achievement Challenge


The Maths Achievement Challenge is for Year 5/6 gifted and talented children at Maths. Students have to investigate 6 challenges according to their subject they chose (Cooking Tech, Sport, Travel…).

But the Maths Achievement Challenge was nearly cancelled because of the big earthquake in Christchurch. Why? The main centre is in Christchurch and was badly damaged in the quake.

On Thursday 17th March good news arrived for all the children who were in the challenges. Mrs Vane had received the cards which allowed the children to do the challenges. The Maths Achievement Challenge was all go!

As soon as the students finish one of their subjects, they receive a badge for a great accomplishment. When they finish 3 subjects they will receive A Super Challenge Badge.

Nina in Room 1 said, “I feel good about being in the Maths Achievement Challenge because it is fun”.

Many students are already enjoying doing the challenges and they are having fun.

Tennis, Soccer and Rugby

At Milford School we had some special visitors. They were experts at tennis and soccer. First we had tennis which was pretty fun because we played our favourite game. The coaches had lots of skills. After a few weeks we had soccer which was really fun. We loved the games we played. After another few weeks we played with some rugby coaches. They gave us each a rugby ball and then we got split into two groups. We did some relays in which we had to pass the rugby ball to people. We also played tennis with a rugby ball except we didn’t have rackets and had to kick the ball instead. We have learned lots of new ball skills and had a lot of fun too.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Technology G.A.T.E

Every Wednesday afternoon a selected group of children go to a G.A.T.E Technology class. Each week we work in cooperative groups and are given scenarios, different assignments and different challenges. We get given a limited number of materials such as sheets of newspaper, a few metres of cellotape, string etc.  A strict time limit is given. A few of the weeks we did challenges related to stands – some of us did tri/quad pods and others made towers.  Eventually the winning design was a tri pod. G.A.T.E Technology is awesome and really inspiring.


All the Year 5 and 6 classes do Waterwise 2 or 3 times per term. The classes have different times and are on a rotation. We do Waterwise to learn to sail and kayak. The most important thing about Waterwise is to keep safe around water. Most people say they love it and they want do it again.

Muriwai Beach Education Day

On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of February years 5 and 6 had Beach Education Day at Muriwai Beach. We learnt how to spot rips, how to be sun and water smart and we also learnt the S, S, S, W, S, S, S, and S. It stands for Slip, Slop, Slap, Wrap, Slide, Step, Slurp, and Smear. After that the students went down to the beach and had a little swim with the lifeguards, teachers and parents. Some students practised life-saving skills with a red rescue tube. Laura from Room 2 said, “I think it was really exciting and adventurous and I also learnt lots.”