Wednesday 25 May 2011


On Monday the 23rd of May until Friday the 27th of May, Milford School had their literacy week. On Monday, three members of the Blues rugby team came to read stories to us. Then on Wednesday we had our literacy quiz that tested everybody’s knowledge of new and old books in our world. On Thursday, New Zealand author, Tessa Duder, came to talk to the year 5 and 6‘s about the books that she has written and she answered the questions we gave to her. Janice from Room 1 said, “It’s a fun and creative way to learn about books and improve your knowledge about them."

Tessa Duder's Visit

A famous New Zealand author visited an old school during Literacy Week (23rd May-27th) at Milford Primary. Tessa Duder, NZ author/editor came to tell Year 5/6 students how she writes incredibly interesting books. She was the editor of an amazing book full of Margaret Mahy’s poetries (66 poetries). She has written a great amount of books - approximately 40! “Alex” and “The Tiggie Tompson Show” are two of her books. Elizabeth from Room 1 said, “It was funny how she said that one of the books had a very strange cover.” It takes a lot of planning to do before you can start writing. Unbelievably she prefers to write chapter books instead of picture books. “It took me 5 years to plan one of my books”, Tessa replied. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and hear from a NZ author.

Guest Readers

On Monday the 23rd of May some of the “Blues” players visited Milford School for Literacy Week. They read their favourite books to the classes. Unfortunately they could only visit some classes, but students still enjoyed meeting and greeting them. Elizabeth from Room 1 said “I felt excited because I wanted an autograph from them and it was lots of fun.” It was an opportunity for the students and everyone had a great time.

National Young Leaders Day

On the 19th of May some people from Milford School Went to NYLD (National Young Leaders Day). There were lots of speakers talking about how to be a good leader and how to make great choices in your life. We thought deeply about how to live our lives such as to be positive, never to give up and always to be honest.  Most of the young leaders from Milford School said that the speakers said some great things and they would love to go again.

Book Fair

The book fair is an event that is on for a week at Milford School during Literacy Week. The Book Fair is in the Library and students can buy books there. The students can also buy posters. With every purchase the student will receive a free bookmark to go with their book. There are many books to choose from such as Justin Bieber books, Royal family Diaries, Art and Crafts books, and many more. Janice from Room1 said, “I like doing the book fair every year because it gives me a chance to read books that I haven’t ever read before." Kate from Room 1 said, “I think it’s great because it gives an opportunity to buy cool books and posters and get awesome bookmarks”.  Milford School students have really enjoyed Literacy Week and the book fair.