Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Science Roadshow

On Monday the 30th of May, the Year 6’s went to Wairau Intermediate and attended the Science Roadshow sponsored by Fonterra. The hosts were Laura and Shane. They taught us about heat and temperature. We also learnt about how negative 273 degrees Celsius is the lowest temperature which is also called Absolute Zero (0 degrees Kelvin). There were a lot of exhibits for the students to look at and some of them were “hands on” activities, like the keyboard, which you play with your feet. Another one was a chairlift, which you had to sit in a chair and pull a chain to lift yourself up and so on. Another of the topics we were focusing on was our Five Senses, which are taste, smell, hear, touch and sight. We learnt that things we see are upside down for our eyes, but the brain is clever enough to turn that thing the right way. Laura told us about a competition, in which there were four hands-on activities and whenever we did that particular activity, we had to explain what that activity was about. When we did, we could get hole punch on our card which we could get to enter the competition. Once we had completed at least two activities, we could put our cards in a box. A little while later, Laura plunged her hand in the box and pulled out 2 names. These names were Sam Nicholson and Jack Oh from Room 2. Nicole Canuto, a Year 6 from Room 1 thought it was really interesting and she liked it a lot! This was an opportunity not to be missed!

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