Wednesday 22 June 2011

Year 5 Auckland Zoo Trip

On 15th June, Room 5, Room 3 and Room 6, the Year 5’s, had a trip to the Auckland Zoo. Our topic this term was Animal Adaptations. We were spilt up into four groups of 6 or 7. My group headed to the Pridelands area first, where the giraffes, zebras, rhinos, ostriches and springboks were. We took some notes down of the animal habitat, or where they live, and the adaptation of the animal, which means the animal’s special feature. Next we moved to the otters. An otter’s teeth are very sharp and can bite really hard things. After the otters, we moved over to the sea-lions. We raced down to see the sea-lions performing tricks for us in the water. I really liked the sea-lions. My favourite animal was the elephant, whose name was Burma. We also had a ‘classroom session’. I learnt that the giraffe’s neck only has 7 bones, just stretched out long. We learnt a lot of new things on our trip. Alicia Oswald said she had a great time at the zoo!

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