Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Zooming Cross Country!

On Wednesday the 31st of August the Pupuke held a Cross Country. Firstly the teachers had to choose the fastest people in their class. The people who got in the finals got to go in the Cross Country. Harrison came 1st and got in the finals but couldn’t go because he had the ski champs. We interviewed Anna who came 5th out of the Year 6 girls. We also interviewed Maxine who came 3rd out of the Year 5 girls.   

Anna: “I was proud of myself when I went in the finals”.
Maxine: “I think I did pretty well”.
People who did the Cross Country all said, “We enjoyed it a lot!”

Cricket Coaching

For the last few weeks the year 6s have been doing cricket training with Takapuna cricket coaches. We played a game called Non-Stop cricket. It was very fun and most of the people loved it. The cricket coaching was very exciting. We can practice cricket at Takapuna Normal Intermediate School. We really loved cricket.   

Milford School’s rugby world cup displays

A few weeks ago some classes at Milford School have been putting up displays for the Rugby World Cup. We are really excited about this. The wonderful displays are improving every day with new and fresh work done from the hard-working classes. Take a walk around the classes to see these terrific displays!

Here are some displays from the classes.

Our adopted country is France.

Check out this amazing diorama.

We are keeping a close eye on the draw so we know when to watch the games.


At Milford school we have a lot of different sports for students to play and one is Netball. Team 1 and Team 2 are the Year 6 teams. We have just had a prize giving for the Team 2 Netball team. They had it at McDonalds in Akoranga Drive.  The score for the game was 12-12, a draw! The netball team was SO excited! Priya said, “The netball game that we had was the last and it was a great way to end the netball season!”

Rugby Black and White Day

Rugby World Cup has arrived and Milford School has been dressing up to the colours of our favourite team. Nearly everyone had dressed up for the All Blacks and quite a few were going for France. There were different teams like Scotland, England and Georgia. Rhiana Merota from Room 2 said, “It was really exciting to see everyone dressing up as their favourite teams". Some people dressed up for fun to go for all the teams.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Geoff Fergusson - Our Guest Inventor

At Milford School we had an inventor called Geoff come to talk to all of the Year 6's.  He has explained how his amazing inventions work and he told us about his inventor’s life. One of his inventions is a non-toxic pest trap.  It is called 'Atractem' and the yellow plastic attracts whiteflies which can get stuck on the cooking oil it has been dipped in.  This pest control system is environmentally friendly as it can be washed and used over again. It stops harmful chemicals from needing to be used on tomato plants which whiteflies damage.  His inventions were very interesting and useful.  His family are inventors too and he showed us a book of inventors including his family and himself.  We gave him a warm welcome to the Milford Primary School.
Eureka! Inventors and Inventions.

The Ski Team’s Triumph

Every second Friday the Milford School ski team goes to Snow Planet for ski training. Last week, five of the best skiers went to Mt. Ruapehu for the North Island Ski Championships. They came 9th in their heat and 29th out of the 128 schools competing. They had a great time and are looking forward to going to Ruapehu again.

Mini Rugby World Cup

On 9th September the Milford School Rugby World Cup competition began. This idea came from some rugby fans in our school. This time, the students got to choose their own team and country team name. Some students went around the school and asked some good rugby players to join their team. The rules were that each team needed at least 2 girls, 2 Year 5’s and 2 Year 6’s. The number of players in each team is limited to 10. After the teams and the schedules were chosen the first game was held on Friday, the opening date of the 2011 Rugby World Cup. The first games were against Argentina VS England and Fiji VS Australia. The results were England and Australia winning. Lots of games were postponed because of the terrible weather. Milford School is hoping that no more games will be postponed. The reason why Milford School is holding this event is the real Rugby World Cup has begun but the important reason is to have fun!  
The haka before the game started.
A try about to be scored. Go Finn!

Fun had by all.


Milford's Got Talent!

Over the next few weeks at Milford School is having its yearly Milford’s Got Talent! The event consists of a few categories; Instrumental, (Group and solo) Variety, Singing, (Group and solo) and Dance. The competition began with the auditions for instruments, followed by Variety, Dance and then Singing. When all the auditions are over a 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each category and the winners will go through to the grand final where an overall winner will be decided. Janice Lim said, “I think the performers are very talented people”.

Jump Jam

Brett Fairweather has made an exciting
resource kit called "JUMP JAM".
It is especially for primary and intermediate
school children.
"JUMP JAM" is simple for teachers to learn and loads of fun for both boys and girls to join in with.The Year 3&4’s at our school (Milford Primary) always do Jump Jam every week. Priya says “I like Jump Jam because we get fit and have fun.”
Maybe you would like to start Jump Jam at your school soon!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Police Helicopter

On Tuesday 6 September at 9:30 a parent from Year 2 (who is a police officer) visited rooms 10, 11, 13 and 14 as part of our Heroes unit.  He talked to us out on the court so we could see (and hear) the police car. He also brought two of his colleagues, dog handlers and two police dogs, Marsh and Pronto, to the children. At 10am, the police helicopter flew over and landed on the field.
Year 2 went over for a closer look at it. Our students were listening very carefully while the police officers were talking about the Police Helicopter, its equipment and way of operating it. 

It was a great visit, as our year two classes had a chance to meet their heroes and ask them lots of questions. Please visit our website for more photos

Y6 Visit to TNIS

On Tuesday, 6th of September, Year 6 went to visit TNIS which stands for Takapuna Normal Intermediate School. When we arrived, the principal of TNIS came to welcome us and then sorted us into groups of 15 to do the activities. The activities were: making pens, making candles, baking cookies and making and playing wood flute. I was making pens and then I thought "This is the best thing I have ever done!” Then, at the end we went to the fiction room in the library to say thank you for letting us visit and also to say bye.