Thursday 15 March 2012

FOCUS for the FORTNIGHT 12 March to 23 March

Self-Control. What does this mean and howe can show we value this by:
Self Control
Along with understanding our Vision statement of “Inspired to Learn and
Achieve” it is very important to know the values we expect of children
attending Milford School.

This fortnight we are looking at can we demonstrate self-control in our daily lives?
Self–control means taking responsibility for our actions and our words.

Thank you to Mrs Vane for writing each of our 'Focus of the Fortnight' pages.

*Acting sensibly when we are not being directly supervised.
*Completing activities we have been asked to complete.
*Owning up to something when asked or when we have made a
*Behaving in a responsible manner at all times.
*Knowing when we can act in different ways and what triggers
us to act in different ways.
*Looking after our belongings.
*Knowing what makes us behave or act or speak in a particular way.
*Being trusted to do as we have been asked without anyone having to check up
on us.
*Taking our time to think through a particular dilemma and not acting before
we have considered all options.
*Acting and speaking in a way we would expect of others.
*Thinking before acting or speaking.
*Not doing or saying anything that will harm or hurt others.
*Considering consequences of our actions.
*Looking carefully at ourselves before blaming others around us.
*Not making excuses for our mistakes but accepting we can change our
*Not allowing others to influence our actions.

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