At Milford School the Year 6's had two golf lessons, one on each day. We had lots of fun and it was really enjoyable. Everybody loved the exciting golf lesson and luckily there were no injuries at all. We found it very fun and most of the people want to play again. There were lots of exciting, cool games where we got to practise hitting the different balls (large rubber ball, two tennis balls and two rubber golf balls). We practised hitting for distance as well as accuracy. It was extremely fun!
Milford School is based on the North Shore in Auckland. Read all of the latest exciting events happening at our wonderful school.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Halloween is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
Some Milford School children had fun after school dressing up and going trick or treating. They made sure they were safe by going with their parents and other children.
Jack-o-lantern |
Les Mills Fitness
On the 25th of September a representative from Les Mills fitness came to our school to get us involved with fun fitness activities. We did lots of energetic dances to great music and everyone had lots of fun!
The World Teacher's Day
The World Teachers' Day is on Friday the 28th of October. The World Teachers' Day was started by UNESCO and was celebrated since 1994.The purpose of this event is to honor the teachers for their special contribution in a particular field area or the community in general. Different countries celebrate the event in a different date and the real date in New Zealand is the 29th of October. All the Milford School teachers are looking forward for the day and they are going to celebrate it tomorrow.
The World Teacher's Day Logo |
Rugby World Cup Final
Last Sunday was THE final of the Rugby World Cup. It was a very exciting game with practically the whole of New Zealand and France cheering it on for their own team to make sure that their team knew that they were behind them the whole time for the duration of the game.
Unfortunately for France (but fortunately for New Zealand ) they lost to the All Blacks with a score of 8-7. When the whole of New Zealand and the All Blacks had found out that they had won they all went hysterical and Christchurch completely forgot about the earthquake because they were so happy about winning!
My Spine.
During 2011 Milford school has been participating in my- spine. My-spine is a program where you learn about your spine and how to look after it. There are 4 different exercises that you can do to look after your spine. There is also a survey online that we answer questions about if we had any back pain and if we have been doing the exercises. In total there are five surveys that you have to complete. So far we have done 4 so we only have to do 1 more!
The human spine |
Deepawali Celebrations
On the 26th of October, it was the national Indian festival of lights, Deepawali. This festival celebrates the victory of good over evil. Indians light up the entire house with candles and diyas and they do a prayer ceremony.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
The Funky Dan and John show!
On Thursday the 29th of September, the whole school got to learn how to draw funny cartoons and were told to follow our dreams.
Firstly, John showed us how Dan drew cartoons. Next, they taught us how to draw one of their favourite cartoon characters.
One of them were drawing a smiley face and
Calendars, Diaries or Greeting Cards?
Want a calendar specially designed for you? Well every year in Milford School , we design our own calendar or card. This year, diaries have arrived! The teachers usually give us a picture to do or we choose our own. The calendars include stickers for birthdays and other events. A few of the designs are awesome and a few just look fabulous! So don’t forget to order your calendars, greeting cards or diaries! Priya in Room 5 designed a reflection of herself on the computer!
Tread Lightly Caravan
On 4th and5th October, Years 5and 6 did some activities at the Tread Lightly Caravan. The purpose of Tread Lightly Caravan coming was to teach us about recycling, waste of electricity and water. There were 6 activities that made us learn and think. We learned that a lot of electricity and water is needed to power objects.
When you throw the parts away that are found in computers and mobile phones etc, the mercury in parts could injure and kill someone. We had a competition between groups where we had to match the parts of the computer to a card. The winning group got a prize. We did lots of other activities and we learned that we need to save our environment.
We had lots of fun in the Tread Lightly caravan and learned a lot of new information.
The exercise bike converted kinetic energy into electrial energy so that we could learn how much energy it takes to power different appliances. |
We learned about all the different parts inside electrial goods and that it is important to recycle and dispose of them carefully. |
The Chess Team Success
The Chess Team has been competing in several tournaments this year. We have interviewed one of the Chess Team members, Crystal Zhu.
What inspired you to play chess?
My brother’s friend found a chess teacher in the newspaper and then he called us to learn chess with him.
What do you most enjoy about chess?
Winning medals, trophies and certificates.
Which cities have you competed in so far?
Do you want to be a professional chess player when you are older?
No because it is really hard being a professional player.
Do you actually enjoy chess? Why?
Sort of because sometimes it can be fun.
Thank you for your time Crystal .
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Auckland Primary School Chess Champions! Crystal is on the right. |
At Milford School , we have an Art GATE class. In Term Two, students learned to create and paint a Papier Mache bunny. These are the steps to make one:
1. Sketch the bunny how they want it to look like.
2. Colour the sketched bunny with pastels.
3. Collect newspapers, tape and string.
4. To roll the newspapers and create body features of the bunny- Head, body, feet, ears, arms, eyes and paws.
5. Tape the body features up together.
6. Rip the newspaper and stick it to the papier mache bunny.
7. Repeating the process with newspaper four more times.
8. Repeating the process with white paper two more times.
9. Paint the bunny to the according colours you planned.
10. Dry the bunny with a hairdryer.
11. Present it in GATE sharing assembly.
Wonderful art work in progress! |
Milford Merits
Ukulele Festival Rehearsal
On Saturday 17th September the Milford Ukulele group went to the Rugby World Cup Water front 'Cloud' to have a rehearsal for the Kiwilele Festival which will be on November. There were lots of ukulele players! The members of the Kiwilele went up the stage and all of us played through the song books which were handed out at the beginning of the year. Some rugby supporters were there and because of the big rugby match that was on that day (Australia vs. Ireland ). Some ukulele players from our school were on the 3 News channel. All the players had a great time strumming, singing and some dancing and they are all working hard for the real festival in Term 4.
The Milford School Disco
The Milford School Term 3 Disco was on the 30th September. Unlike most other discos in the past, there was a Masquerade theme! Prizes were given to the best hat, mask or costume. The prizes were $10.00 Warehouse vouchers, PRIZES WORTH GETTING!!
Best hat went to…
Best Costume…
Best Mask…
Best homemade hat/mask…
At the end of the school year we will be holding a special year 6 social!
We are all looking forward to that a lot and we will update you about that soon!
Win it or lose it? Gold Coin Raffles have arrived!
Great prizes to be won! Over the past few days, Milford School has been selling raffle tickets to fundraise for the End of Year 6 end of year Social. $1 is for 1 ticket and $2 is for 3 tickets. What an offer! Room 4 has been selling the tickets and the line has been very long since the first selling day. The prizes are worth spending just a few gold coins for example, a family pass to Snowplanet (2 children and 1 adult), ice-blocks for the whole class on the last day of Term 3, 2 hour kayak hire and more! Inmoo from Room 2 said, “I hope I get a prize with 15 tickets!”

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