Wednesday 30 November 2011

SKIDS T-Ball Competition

In Term 4, Year 5 and 6 classes held a SKIDS T-ball competition. 6 classes got separated into 2 pools and play 2 games each. The winner of pool A plays the runner up in pool B ( Room 1 vs Room 2 ) and the winner of pool B plays runner up in Pool A ( Room 5 vs Room 4 ) . Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes two teams who are playing have to gather up on the field and Mr. Anderson, the referee starts the game. On Thursday 1st of December, Room 1 played Room 2 and Room 2 made the finals and is going to play Room 4 or 5 in the final. Every classes participating enjoyed the games and some students already started to guess which class is going to win!

The winning T-ball class - Room 2!

An Interview with Ms Hopkirk

Miss Hopkirk is Milford School Principal. Here is what she said when Anna and Inmoo interviewed her.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Tennis at school!

At Milford School we are very lucky to have a TENNIS CLUB right next to our school! This Thursday we are having Tennis coaching and it is going to be REALLY fun! We play games and we learn how to do a forehands and backhands and serves and a whole lot of other techniques!


Water Safety!

On Monday 31st October 2011, the year 5&6’s, had a theory session about water safety. The instructor, from Millennium, came and taught us the difference between a life-jacket and a buoyancy vest. She also taught us about how to survive when you are lost at sea.

On Wednesday, 2nd October 2011, to Thursday 3rd October we had our practical lessons. One group did safety in and out the boat, how to get on and getting off. The other lesson was on what to do when a storm came and the boat was nowhere to be seen.
Getting instructions before practising our emergency plan.

Christmas Singing

On the 6th and 7th of December the school will hold the great annual Christmas Festival of Song. The first of the two days will be for the year 1-3s and the second is for the seniors. We all can’t wait and so we are all doing lots of singing to practise with our classes!

Pepero Day!!!!!

In Korea the day 11/11/11 is called ‘Pepero’ day. Pepero is a type of biscuit that look like a 1. Two Peperos make 11 so 11/11/11 is called Pepero day. Pepero is shaped like 1 and has chocolate covering all over the biscuit. They are yummy and Pepero day comes once in a hundred years. So we are lucky. I am looking forward to the next Pepero day in 11/11/2111.

Kids For Kids Concert

The choir are practising for the Kids for Kids concert every Thursday for a whole hour from 11:30-12:30. The concert is on Monday 14th and I am sure that the choir will have a fantastic time at the performance on Monday. It is with SUZANNE PRENTICE! We are looking forward to hearing feedback about how it went! Alex says "It's very loud but it was AWESOME!

Well, here is a photo of us in the Kids for Kids concert that was performed on Monday, everybody had heaps and heaps of fun!If you are trying to look for the Milford School children we are right in the middle.


Sharing Assembly Singing

Every term, Milford School has 2 or 3 sharing assembly.In a sharing assembly, different groups and class share their skills with the whole school. In these videos you will see the ukulele group playing 2 of their songs, Whole World and Hound Dog, and they sound really good! 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Police Visit

At Milford School, one of Term 4's topics is “Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS)”.  A police officer came and told us about the 7 abuses; emotional, sexual, family, neglect, cyber, physical and no abuse.   The police officer told us about other abuses that are very harmful for us.  She told us how to keep ourselves safe from other violence and that if we are involved in any of the abuses tell an adult that you trust, for example (parent, teacher and friend).

The Stu Duval show

On Thursday 28th October, Stu Duval (a famous New Zealand artist and actor) came to our school to put on a show. He told us his very own made up Christmas story called Jingle Bull. He also showed us how he learned to draw at school. He taught us one very important thing- S, 2 dots, a prickle and a line. His show was very entertaining and funny. Rhiana Merota described the show as “cool and interesting”. Janice Lim said the show was “creative and funny”.

Year 6 Speeches

At the end of Term 3 the Year 6 students did a speech competition. All the students had to prepare their own speech independently and present it to the whole class. Lots of them had no experience presenting a speech before and were nervous. The teachers and a buddy marker got to rate students’ speech out of ten in many different kind of skills. The best two speakers from each class got to share their speech in the Year 6 syndicate assembly and all the finalist were boys! Lots of Year 6 students had a great experience and now, lots of them are ready for some more advanced intermediate speeches!

Training like the All Blacks!

Recently, the Year 5/6 has been training for our upcoming athletics event. Everyone’s training really hard like the French rugby team ready for the All Blacks, running, throwing and jumping. Nicole from Room 1 says, “It’s really good for us because if we never did this, then on Athletics Day we probably wouldn’t know what to do. So my last word is …. IT’S REALLY GOOD!” We’ve all enjoyed the time training as we are also doing P.E.

The ENVIRO lunchtime club

Every lunchtime the ENVIRO group come together with the rest of the school students who want to help out. They all work really hard to try and make our school a much better and environmentally friendlier place for our school students to be in. The things that the children do
(with adult supervision) are woodwork, painting the drains, building a school forest, and heaps of other things.