Wednesday 17 August 2011

Gardening Club

Last Tuesday, Alex and Inmoo from the Media Club interviewed the Gardening Club. They were planting some potatoes and making a potato garden. They were digging the garden to find some potatoes and they could find some small potatoes. While digging they found some insects. We interviewed some of the students in the Gardening Club. The first student we interviewed was Travis. He said he is really enjoying the club and the reason he joined the club was that the Gardening Club looked really exciting and fun for him. There were two groups in the Gardening Club. One of them were digging some potatoes and the others were sorting out composts. One student from the group who were sorting out composts was mixing some limes and other ingredients for the compost bin. The Gardening Club was trying their best and the garden was becoming beautiful with lots of plants and flowers.

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