Wednesday 24 August 2011

Year 6 Syndicate Assembly

Year 6 syndicate assembly was on Wednesday 24th of August. All the Year 6 classes gathered around the hall. There were 6 certificates given out (Georgia and Cynara in Room 1, Harrison and Rhiana in Room 2, Syvert and Yeni in Room 4). Also, the Mathex competition winners got their certificates (Jun, Micheal, William and Grace in Room 4). Then, the Year 6 students heard Yeni playing the Flute. After that the teachers reminded the Year 6 about the school rules. The Year 6s’ have had a great time so far this year and they will have a better time in the second half of the year. The Year 6 students are looking forward to their visit to TNIS to experience what an Intermediate school is like.


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