Wednesday 17 August 2011

Room 2's Fantastic Science Experiment

On Friday 7th of July, Room 2 did an awesome Science experiment. We worked as a group of three. The experiment was about which material would be the best insulator.

 The experiment wasn’t perfectly fair because each jar had a slightly different sized surface and we also didn’t have a control. We had to bring four different materials to wrap around the jars. Then we poured boiling water and measured the temperature every five minutes. We also had to write the Title, Aim, Hypothesis, Equipment, Method, Results (table filled with temperature data and line graph showing organised data) in the correct order like a real scientist.

Our group was called A+ (which was Claire, Scarlett and Laura). Our conclusion was that the best material out of the four materials we tested, was the newspaper. The insulator that didn’t work as well was the wet suit material.

 Room 2’s experiment helped in our science learning!

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