Wednesday 10 August 2011

Be A Young Inventor!

At Milford School, Year 6 students are learning about inventions and inventors in Term 3 in a Social Sciences topic titled 'Be a Young Inventor!' An invention is a object that has been made first or has been upgraded. A person who invents something is called an inventor and inventors try hard to discover the secret of what technology can do and create an object that can help people. Sometimes an invention can be good and some can be rather bad (guns, bombs, etc.). Inventors fail and fail on what they are trying to do but mostly, they keep on trying until they get what they want. Inventors can become really famous and rich. Sometimes inventing can be dangerous and some can freak people out when they are first invented like X-rays did. We are learning how to use Internet research skills to search for famous inventors such as Thomas Edison, The Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, Sir Thomas Crapper etc. We are enjoying our topic this term!

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